Sylvia’s Turn (Part I)

Sylvia's Turn

Written by Robin Van Persie


Sylvia had just about had it with Paolo.

Three years ago, they were on top of the world. A week after their fairy tale wedding, Pao, then 32, had been promoted to Jr. Vice President for Marketing. They had recently bought a condo unit in Ortigas, just a stone’s throw away from his office and a few minute’s drive from her parents’ house in Valle Verde. To prepare for the wedding, Sylvia had quit her job as a teacher and was now a housewife.

“You mean, a rich housewife!” her friends would joke when they’d get together at her unit.

Sylvia just smiled. She knew that they were indeed blessed but she stayed humble and down to earth, just like her mom taught her to be. She genuinely loved Paolo, her college sweetheart. For the first few months, she’s wake up early to prepare him breakfast, send him sweet messages throughout the day and have dinner ready on the table by the time he got home. When they made love, they were like horny teenagers, using every area in the condo.

Pao even joked once, “Next time, let’s do it in the laundry area at the roof deck!”

Sylvia was happy. Everything was perfect. Then, things changed.

Paolo would usually skip breakfast now, often leaving without saying goodbye. Texts throughout the day would go unanswered, save for the sporadic “love you too” replies. Sylvia mostly had food delivered, sharing her dinners with a nice movie on HBO or a new book. These days, they were better dining companions.

“You have to understand, Paolo is a very busy man. He has a lot of responsibilities.” her mom would say over the phone. Sylvia mostly spent her afternoons on the couch, talking to her mother.

“You just have to keep yourself busy too. This is your life now.”

“What life?” she replied. “All I wanted was a normal and happy married life. Heck, we can’t even talk about having kids without him going on a thirty minute sermon about not being ready and shit!”

“Watch your mouth, young lady.”

“Young lady.” Shit, how about unhappy not-so-young lady anymore? With tears in her eyes, she said goodbye to her mom and put down the phone. Her eyes moved across the room before stopping at the 42″ Sony Bravia television on the wall.

“Why, hello, old friend. Looks like it’s gonna be me and you again tonight.”

She wiped her tears and stretched her legs. As she stood from the couch, her phone rang. She picked up her iPhone and saw that the number wasn’t registered. She swiped he screen and answered.


“Sylvia, you don’t know me but I know you and your husband. He is having an affair. Don’t ask me who, don’t ask me since when. It’s the whole truth. This is the only time I’ll call because I don’t want to be involved. I’m sorry ma’am but it’s time you knew.”

Then, silence.

“Hello? Hello?! Who is this? Hello? Who the fuck is this?!”


Sylvia began shaking and started to cry once more. She buried her face in her pillow and cried. An hour later, she was still crying.

Sylvia had just about had it with Paolo.

***** To be continued *****

Robin Van Persie
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