Irreplaceable (Part 1)

Irreplaceable (Part 1)

9AM. It was the same time I saw Andrea enter this coffee shop three months ago. I can still remember how she walked past me, put her bag on the empty chair next to her then she sat down.

Irreplaceable (Part 2)

Irreplaceable (Part 2)

“I will never run out of respect for you. Always remember that.” I sighed with frustration. I hate this same feeling every time I thought about Andrea. “Fuck!” I cursed myself for letting her go for the

Irreplaceable (Part 3)

Irreplaceable (Part 3)

“Damn!” I squirmed as my cum shoot into my bathroom wall. It felt good but definitely not enough. I missed Andrea so much that I want to take the next flight schedule going to her.

Libog Stories
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