My First Time

Real Sex Stories

My First Time

By leonaldrich

It was a lazy Thursday, me and my best friends are chilling out, a little booze, and some acoustic songs to complete the image, talking about life, college, past girlfriends, and past adventures, also what men talk about most of the time, which is sex, and porn

ME: Dude, I don’t usually watch porn

LORENZO: haha! what?! you gay?

ME: fuck you, it just bores me, when I watch porn I get sleepy

COBY: haha I know something better that porn bro

LORENZO: oh that! haha you wanna try it man?

ME: what?

LORENZO: I call it “written porn” you know instead of it being shown with actors, it is written and makes us imagine the events which is pretty cool

ME: haha that sounds like such a drag

COBY: trust me bro, that’s what I said to lorenzo at first but now, hah! I don’t wanna stop reading there bro

ME: sounds interesting, what’s the site?

LORENZO: pserotica, dude I bet you, after one or two days of reading from that site, your gonna contact me and thank me for mentioning pserotica to you, that’s what coby did

ME: and what if I don’t?

LORENZO: oh, uhm coby will finally ask ysa out on a date!

COBY: what the fuck?!

COBY: what the hell?! why am I the one taking the heat?!

LORENZO: coz’ your not me hahahaha

COBY: assholes!

(Skrillex’s Bangarang remix coming from my phone)

ME: well, classes will start in 30 mins

LORENZO: oh man! I don’t feel like going to school, how come you guys love school so much?!

COBY & ME: coz’ your not us! hahahahahaha

LORENZO: ha! ha! very funny

We went to school after that, I may look calm and cool on our way there but inside I’m pretty excited to go home and open that website lorenzo talked about

So school went pretty fast, I really enjoy my classes, I love IT because I have this dream of maybe becoming someone as great as Bill Gates in the future, then my phone vibrated, hmmmm a text from Gel

ANGEL: “hey, sorry I can’t come over later, something came up, perhaps friday I can come over”

ME: “hey no worries beautiful, I kinda have something to do also, so uhm perhaps friday sounds great”

ANGEL: “hmmmm, I smell something, interesting :)”

ME: “haha! I don’t know yet but I will find out, anyways, TYL gel, TCCIC :-*”

ANGEL: “okay, thanks, mmwaah :-*”

ME: “Ooooooh god that feels gooooooood”

ANGEL: “haha! pervert! c u friday? :-*”

ME: “You bet!”

ANGEL: “hehe, I’m excited for it, anyways gotta go na, TYL mmwwahh :-*”

ME: “Ok gel ;)”

And with that I pocketed my phone and went inside the lab
After school, I hurriedly put my things inside my bag and unto my locker, then to my car, as I was on my way home I texted lorenzo

ME: “yo bro, it was pserotica right?”

LORENZO: “yeah bro”

ME: “Ok thanks”

I finally got into the parking lot of the building where my condo is, as I got out of my car and into the elevator, my hands were shaking a little bit from the excitement “damn, I wonder what kind of site that is” as I got into my condo I took of my clothes, so now I am only at my boxers, and for a little info about myself I’m around 5’8″, tan, my muscles are toned from going to the gym regularly, one of my greatest asset aside from my “python” is my eyes, my flings say I have sexy eyes, I thought “sexy eyes? what the hell, since when did eyes become sexy” anyways back to the story, I opened my laptop and opened chrome, then I typed ( then there it was, so I registered myself and read stories, and whether I like or not, that damn lorenzo was right, damn it! I read quite a lot of stories, stories of (Sins of Siri, ladiesconfessions, danelle, sister sam, and many more to mention haha) and what made me more interested was that there was a chatbox, so I opened it and I saw there my favorite authors I sent them PMs, but what interested me most was ms.Siri so that’s how my Monday night went, reading stories and chatting with the authors that I idolize, then my phone vibrated, a text from gel

ANGEL: “hey, sup? have you found out already that “interesting” stuff?”

ME: “uhuh! and when you come here on Friday were gonna have so much fun :)”

ANGEL: “oooooh, sounds very tempting hihi, so tell me what’s that thing is already?”

ME: “okay, geez, hehe don’t get your panties in a twist, it’s kinda like wattpad, although the stories here are erotic ones, and it’s kinda like FB too, you can chat with other members”

ANGEL: “really? does it require registrations or any of the sort?”

ME: “yeah I registered already hehe why don’t you join up too?”

ANGEL: “what? no way!”

ME: “Why not?”

ANGEL: “hmmm! just because, I just don’t feel like joining that, whatever that is”

ME: “whatever, BTW, are we on for tomorrow? your coming over? I just wanna know so I can restock my fridge, I don’t wanna listen to your nagging mouth about how I am such a thrifty person, which I’m not”

ANGEL: “haha! yes you are! but whatever, G2G…. LALA! haha! see you tomorrow?”

ME: “HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THAT I HATE THAT PETNAME? >.< anyways, yeah see you tomorrow”

“hey guys, yeah so I just wanna share about my first time here, my next story will be a fiction one, one involving miss Siri, if you read this, I hope you don’t mind? hehe and I still don’t know who will write the story about our roleplaying either angel or me, but anyways, again, I hope you don’t mind miss Siri? so, that’s about it, please leave your comments, harsh and cruel comments are welcomed too, coz I know I’m not really a good writer“


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