Long time, no see

Real Sex Stories

Long time, no see

By danelle


[This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental]


Jade pushed the turnstile bar to exit the train station platform. She looked around when she heard her name called. The train station was crowded with late Wednesday afternoon rush hour commuters.

“Jade, over here!”

Jade saw a tall, lean guy standing next to a siomai cart a few feet away, waving at her to come over. It was Vince.

Vince is a college friend. The last time they hung out together with other friends was almost a year ago. Smiling, Jade weaved her way through the crowd towards him.

“Vince!” she briefly hugged her friend. “Long time, no see!”

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Vince apologized. “It’s crazy at work, y’know, elections and all..”

Vince has been working as a congessional aide for a local congressman for the past three years. His boss just won his re-election bid a few weeks ago. “How about you? How’s your uncle’s law office?” he asked, referring to where Jade worked as a part-time paralegal while finishing her law degree.

Jade giggled. “Also crazy! Many of our counsels moonlighted for candidates.”

Vince laughed. ‘We have to catch-up. It has been a while…”

“Hmph! You are the one who doesn’t show up for our barkada gimiks,” she teased.

He grinned sheepishly. “So sorry about that! I promise that I’ll show up this time. Please…”

Jade crossed her arms on her chest and pretended to be angry at him.

Vince lightly touched her shoulder, his face became serious. “Please… I just need to unwind… nothing extravagant… just hang-out… with friends… this weekend…”

She studied his face for a moment. “Ok, fine!” Jade grinned. “But as punishment for your dereliction of duty to your friends, you will have to organize it to ensure the whole gang will be present.”

“Thank you, counsel,” he teased.

Since Vince needed to get to his appointment that evening, he said goodbye to Jade and promised to text her details of their barkada gimik soon.


Jade received a text message the following evening.

“Hey, guys! Your prodigal friend is back! I’d love to get together on Saturday, 9pm. Free Caramel Machiatto for the first four to confirm…” And he added the name of a popular coffee shop along Timog Avenue, Quezon City.

Jade had to laugh at his come on — there are only five of them in their barkada. She immediately typed and pressed send, “See you, bro! Make mine a venti.”

Editing the message a bit, Jade forwarded it to the other three.

Received at 7:17pm
Ella: dat really frm vince? He texted me also.
Me: yeah. just saw him ystrday. he’s alive finally! 😛
Ella: awww… can’t make it. Am still in la union…
Me: k. Pasalubong ha!

Received at 7:30pm
Mike: u joining?
Me: yep
Mike: I’ll be late.
Me: K. C u.

Received at 9:22pm
Annie: can’t join, madz. I have a date with this guy i’ve been drooling over for months.
Me: O.o … oh c’mon?!? seriously drooling, huh?
Annie: haha! Seriously!
Me: and what about vince?
Annie: eeewww… luv him, but he’s not my type! Haha! I won’t drool over him.
Me: lol. I meant we haven’t seen him in quite a while…
Annie: i knooooww! Rain check?
Me: fine! Hope this guy is worth your drool. 😉
Annie: he is! I’ll tell you all the hot details next week. Muwahugs!
Me: Spare me please! Nytnyt!

“Hey there!” Vince got up and kissed Jade on the cheek when she arrived at their meeting place. He chose a table at the coffee shop’s smoking area. There were already two tall cups of hot coffee on the table.

“Just two?” Jade asked as she sat on a garden chair next to his. Vince narrated that Mike couldn’t get his two kids to sleep, and can’t leave his pregnant wife alone.

“Aww… so sorry they couldn’t make it, Vince,” Jade said.

He just grinned. “Naahhh… there’ll be next time. Besides, I got you!”

Vince and Jade have been friends since high school, while Annie, Mike and Ella became their friends during college. After college, despite having different fields of profession, their barkada would meet at least twice a month to catch up and talk about work and relationships. All of them are already in their mid-twenties, but only Mike got married.

Vince lit a cigarette and asked Jade about her classes in law school. While Jade talked about her professors, and the subjects she’s taking, Vince studied his friend closely. She was dressed in plain denim jeans and a plain white V-necked shirt that slightly hugged her torso. Her hair is pulled behind her head in a pony tail and her face is devoid of make-up. Vince rarely saw Jade with make-up. Jade’s face looks like the average Filipina face… not strikingly beautiful, but pretty enough to attract some male attention in college. What Vince loved about her is that she can be like one of the guys – not in the tomboyish way. Many guys feel comfortable just being around her, hanging out with her, but not comfortable enough to dare to court her. She’s smart and witty. She’s just easy to get along with.

He was glad that he saw her at the MRT station. He broke up with his girlfriend two months ago and immersed himself in the election activities. He was feeling burned-out.

His gaze moved from her face to her hands, gesturing animatedly as she talked about some of the cases that her uncle is handling. The swell of her breasts peeked just above the neckline of her shirt. Vince stared at it when it would slightly jiggle every time she laughed. He wondered how it would feel under his hands. He felt his cock twitch. “Shit! The hell am I thinking?” he thought. He groaned inwardly. He has been celibate since he broke up with his ex.

“Hey! You listening?” Jade snapped her fingers in front of Vince’s face.

He grinned sheepishly and answered, “Yep, you’re talking about unfair labor practices of this company.”

“Do you think your congressman can do something about it? An inquiry or something…”

“Uhmm.. Nope. This businessman donated a huge sum of money for his campaign…”

Jade’s face grew sad.

Vince sighed. “Fine. I’ll see what I can do…”

“Great! So what have you been up to this past century?”

Glad for the distraction from his sudden arousal, Vince talked about his work and his break-up with his ex-girlfriend.

“You broke up with Mia?!?” Jade asked, shocked. “Why didn’t you tell us? You know we’d drop everything to get the juicy details,” she kidded.

“That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you haha!” Vince answered and looked away from Jade. He lit another cigarette.

Jade placed her hand over his arm and asked, “How are you now?”

He looked at Jade’s concerned face. “I’ve dealt with it. We’re just two different people. Work was sort of a therapy for a while…”

Vince took a long drag from his cigarette and blew. He looked at his watch. 2:00am. “Hey, it’s late…”

Jade gripped Vince’s arm gently. “What are you not telling me?” He heard the concern in her voice.

I need to get laid, his mind answered. But he didn’t want to offend his friend.

Vince pulled his arm away from her, “Sheesh, Jade! You really don’t want to know.”

“C’mon, tell me! I’m your closest friend.” She giggled and batted her eyelashes.

He looked around the coffee shop, still with many weekend customers, and then looked straight into his friend’s eyes. “Do you really want to know?”

Jade nodded.

“I can’t tell you here,” he said and stood up.


Jade was curious about her friend’s sudden change in behavior. It’s not like Vince to be acting so mysteriously. He has always been upfront and frank with everything. But she decided to wait for what else he has to say. For Pete’s sake, he broke up with his GF! He must be hurting, she thought.

They took a cab. He told the driver to drive along Timog Avenue. They didn’t talk during the cab ride, but Jade felt Vince stealing glances at her.

It was just a short ride. The cab stopped in front of an apartelle.

“Umm …Vince?”

Vince didn’t answer. His jaw was set and walked towards the stairs of the apartelle. Jade hurriedly followed. They stopped in front of a door at the end of the corridor and he took out a key from his pocket.

Jade stood there staring at her friend. “Do you still want to know?” he asked.

Jade hesitated. She’s curious of what Vince will say, but is also wary of everything else. But curiosity got the best of her.

She sighed. “Yes.”

He unlocked the door and held it open for her. She stepped into the threshold. In the middle of the room was a queen-sized bed. In front of the bed was a large LCD TV. In one corner of the room was a small kitchenette, a small table and a couple of dining chairs. Further into the room was the closet and the door leading to the bathroom.

“I’ve rented this place for a month for the campaign. Congressman footed the bill,” he explained. He said that he hated the long daily commute from Quezon City to his family home in Antipolo.

Vince sat on the edge of the bed, removed his shoes and pulled off his socks. He looked up and saw Jade still standing near the door. He patted the space next to him, motioning her to sit.

Jade suddenly felt nervous, but tried to lighten up the mood. “You are not going to screw me, are you?”

Vince’s face turned crimson in embarrassment.

Jade’s eyes widened in shock at his silent response. “Oh. My. God. Vince! Are you insane?”

“Well, you did say that you want me to tell you what else is bothering me,” he answered defensively. “I just need to get laid. It’s been two months! And when you asked me, I thought you are okay with this. There! I said it.”

Jade’s body stiffened. She slowly backed herself towards the door and held on the knob.

Vince quickly stood up and pushed the door closed. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry…” He kept his distance from her. “This is stupid. This was a mistake. I was thinking with what’s between my legs. Let me just put my shoes on and I’ll take you home.”

Jade watched her friend scramble to pull on his socks. After a moment, she walked towards the bed and sat on the edge. Vince looked at her in surprise.

Jade was also surprised at herself. For her, it was flattering, endearing, but at the same time, insulting. For years, they have been friends, but they never talk about intimate stuff. Oh, they probably joked about it a few times. But not seriously talk about sex. She hated feeling like she’s a sacrificial lamb for her friend. But she felt excited at the idea of fucking her best friend. She also felt nervous because this will be her first time.

At 26, Jade had a few boyfriends. But she has always been focused with her studies and work that none of them lasted long. Coming from a very conservative family, she always thought that she’d get married first. But alone, she would masturbate and play with her pussy.

Jade removed her shoes. “Mind if I take a shower first?”


Vince watched Jade enter the bathroom, and soon he heard running water from the shower. He combed his fingers through his hair in frustration and mumbled to himself, “You’re a scum, Vince!”

He debated with himself.
“She’ll hate you for this.”
“No, she will not. She’s mature enough to understand what’s going on.”
“You could’ve just hired any of the women along Quezon Ave.”
“And the risk of AIDS even with condom? No fucking way!”
“And you’re sure she has no AIDS?”
“100% She’s not a slut!”
“Hah! And the guys she’s been with?”
“Shut the fuck up, Vince!”
“You’re using her Vince…”
“I gave her a way out. She stayed.”
“She’s hesitant. She’s probably crying inside the shower now. And she’ll probably want to leave as soon as she leaves the shower…”


Engrossed with his thoughts, Vince didn’t hear the shower stop. Still holding one of his socks, he turned around to see Jade standing behind him. Her body wrapped in a towel which covered her from her breasts down to mid-thigh , her hair still wet. She was chewing on her lower lip.

Vince felt jaw drop and his cock harden. God! She looked seductive!

Jade blushed shyly. She let the towel drop to the carpet and slowly walked towards him.

Vince swallowed hard and dropped his sock. His gaze traveled from her face down to her chest. Her breasts were average, but big enough to fit in his hand. Her reddish nipples were hardened to nubs from the shower. He gazed lower to her stomach, down to her thin-rectangular shaped pubes. “Wow!” He thought.

Vince swallowed again. He felt his temperature rising, as well as his penis.

Jade was now standing a few inches in front of him. She reached up to grab him by the neck and pulled his face towards hers. Her minty breath was warm. Their lips touched. Vince opened his lips a little to let his tongue slide against hers.


When she felt Vince tongue probe her mouth, Jade’s knees buckled and she leaned her body against his.

Then she felt the urgency to feel his skin. She hurriedly pulled off his shirt and pressed her breasts against his bare chest. With their mouths still locked together, she quickly unzipped his pants and pushed it down with his briefs, her warm hand sliding down his ass cheeks.

She pulled him down with her as she sat on the bed. She pulled away from him, moved backwards to rest her head on the pillow. Vince followed her, moving on all fours on top of the bed.

Jade watched as Vince kissed her feet. He sucked on her left toe which sent electricity up her leg to her groin. She could only whimper when Vince began kissing his way upward to her knees, up to her inner thigh.

She put her head back and closed her eyes when he began licking her clit and pussy.

“Oooohhhh…” Jade moaned when Vince began sucking on her sensitive clit. Her hands grabbed a handful of the bed sheet when she felt Vince probe her pussy with his tongue. She began to move her hips to meet his tongue.

She felt his warm hand grab her left breast, gently kneading it. His thumb rubbed her nipple.

Then she felt his mouth on her other breast.

Jade opened her eyes and looked down to see Vince watching her face as his hand pinched and rolled her left nipple while he sucked on the other.


Vince watched Jade watching him suck her breasts. He could see her eyes glazed with arousal and watched her bite her lower lip. He let his cock rub against her hot and moist pussy lips. It was taking all his resolve not to just push his hard cock deep inside her.

He almost exploded when he felt Jade grab his penis and rub its tip against her clit. He playfully bit on her nipple, making her groan louder.

Tingles ran down his spine when he felt Jade rub and pinch his nipple.

He cannot take it anymore.

Vince positioned himself in front of her opening. He kissed her mouth and whispered, “Are you sure?” Jade only nodded silently.

He slowly pushed his cock inside her pussy.

“Gaaahhhdd… ” He moaned as the tip of his penis entered. She was tight… and warm… and soft inside.

He slid his hard shaft slowly in, savoring her pussy’s warm grip. When his cock was totally sheathed inside her, he firmly kissed her mouth before moving his hips.


Jade felt his penis stretch the walls of her vagina. She winced at the slight pain when Vince pushed deeper. Then he began to move his hips. slowly at first.

Pleasure overpowered the pain for every slow thrust of his hips. Jade then felt her own hips move to meet his thrusts. Then faster and deeper.

“Oh yes…” Jade whispered. Her hands grabbed Vince’s ass to pull him deeper.

“Jade…” She heard him groan in her ear. She felt him lick her earlobe, tickling her. She giggled.

She felt Vince’s smile and he pounded into her even harder and faster.

Soon, Jade felt the walls of her pussy contract and her legs stiffened. “I… I’m cumming Vince…” she whimpered.


He heard her and drove into her even harder. Vince nibbled on her shoulder as his hand massaged her breast hard.

“Cum for me, Jade.”

Vince felt Jade’s warm juices covering his cock, dripping down his balls. He fucked her even more harder. Her pussy is driving his cock wild. He felt the build up of sensation in his balls. He so badly want to cum inside her.

When Vince couldn’t stand it anymore, he pulled his penis from her pussy and pumped it hard and fast.


Strings of cum squirted from his cock and landed on her navel. After squeezing out the last cum, Vince collapsed on top of Jade. Both of them were breathing heavily.


Jade watched Vince stand up to grab the discarded towel on the floor. He laid down next to her and wiped his semen from her navel and pussy. The towel was tinged with pink after he wiped between her legs.

She heard Vince curse under his breath. “Damn it, Jade!” He stared at her in surprise and shock. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Jade shrugged and sat up. She couldn’t meet his gaze. “You didn’t ask.”


Vince looked at his friend who pulled a blanket over herself. His conscience nagged him. He felt guilty. He felt like the worst scum in the universe.

He began to apologize. “I’m so…”

His friend cupped her hand over his mouth. “Shut up,” Jade simply sad. “Just shut up.” She then reached behind him to grab the TV’s remote control.

Vince stared at his friend in awe and respect.

He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her against him. He kissed the top of her head. “Thank you.”

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