

Written by AdobongLamok


I’d give up forever to touch you. Coz I know that you’d feel me somehow.
Iris – Goo Goo Dolls


What if you are given a chance to go back to a certain time in your past and have the opportunity to change a particular event?



This is a story about a man who was given that
rare chance.

But not the way he expected…



A man walks along a busy street. Head turning
left and right as if he’s lost.

But he wasn’t. He’s
been here. He knows the place too well.
What he doesn’t know is the time and date.

He walked towards a stall that sells newspapers. He picked one and scanned for the date.

Monday. February 7th 2015.

He couldn’t believe it.
He picked another paper, read the date.
Then picked another.
And another…
And another…

They all have the same date!

He asked the stall owner for the exact date and he got the same answer as what’s in the papers.

He pulled out his wallet and gave the man a bill then grabbed a copy of that day’s paper.

Tears began to roll down his eyes.
He looked up and whispered a “thank you”…


A couple of hours ago…

February 13th 2016.

A man knelt under a tree in a cemetery.

Buried under its shade was his beloved.

“I love you so much, Maggie… It’s been almost a year since you left me. But I’m still living with the memories you left behind… I miss you so much! I’d do anything to be with you again… I’d give everything up just to see your smile once more… I’m so…”

“It seems you came here empty-handed, young man.” A voice from behind interrupted him.

He turned and saw an old woman.
In her hand she holds three flowers.
A red, a yellow, and a purple flower.

“Would you like to buy one of my flowers, Sir?” Asked the woman.

The man looked at her. And then to the flowers…

He doesn’t know what kind they were.

But it’s true that he didn’t bring anything for Maggie that day.

So he pulled out a bill and handed it to the woman.

“Now, what color would it be?” Asked the woman.

“Anything. Just give me one.” Answered the man.

“Oh no, you need to pick one. Coz these are special flowers.”


“Yes. You see, the red can make you fall in love instantly with someone else.” The old woman explained.

“The yellow can make you forget about anything or anyone. Like they were never a part of your life.” She continued.

“And the purple…”

The woman paused.

“What does the purple do?” Asked the man. He’s a bit amused.

“Hmm… The purple can take you back to a certain time in the past. A time you so much long to be…” Answered the old woman.

The man just smiled.
It’s a very weird and funny way to talk someone into buying her flowers.

“But there’s a slight problem though…” Continued the woman.

“What problem?”

“Well… It’s a bit complicated to explain. But you see, this purple flower can…”

“It’s alright! I get it. Don’t explain. I will just buy all of them.” This time it was him who interrupted the woman.

“Oh, no! You can only get one. Which color shall it be?” Said the woman.

The man just want to get it over with and be alone again. So he just picked the purple one.

“Purple it is, then…” Said the woman.

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He doesn’t know why he chose purple.
He just felt there’s something special to it. It looked familiar to him.
He just can’t recall why.

Not that he believe in what the woman said about it.
But maybe.. somehow, he also wished it were true.

He sighed.

How he’d be give even his own life just to feel her alive once more.

He looked at the flower. Then placed it over the marble headstone.
Where dates of his beloved’s birth and death were engraved.


A year ago…

February 14th, 2015.

After 3 rings, Maggie answered Seth’s call.

“Hey, Babe!” Greeted Maggie.

“Hey babe! Don’t forget, 7 pm sharp! Don’t be late again.” Said Seth.

“Yes, Babe. I’ll be out by 6 and be there before 7.”


“Where are you now?” She asked.

“Off to pick up something…” He answered.

“And what is that something?”

“It’s a secret!” He smiled.

She pouted her lips.
“Hmm, okay. See you later!”


7:05 PM.

Inside a restaurant…

Seth had been waiting there for almost half an hour now.

He’s fidgeting with the small,black, velvet-covered box that he’s holding.

Opening and closing it.
The sparkling diamond inside flickering in his eyes each time.

He looked at his watch. It’s 5 minutes past 7.
He checked his phone. No messages. Not even missed calls.

He browsed thru his contacts. Tapped Maggie’s name, and placed his thumb over the call button…
But he stopped.

“She’s just late.” He whispered to himself.

He locked his phone and put it back on the table.

He waited for another 10 minutes.
Until he couldn’t take it anymore!

He dialled her number…
It rang..
1 ring…
2 rings…
3 rings…
She usually answers after the 3rd…
4, 5, 6, 7…
No answer!
Until his call dropped.

He dialled again.
1 ring…
Then he heard a beep.

“Where are you, Babe?” He asked right away.

“Thank God somebody called!” An unfamiliar voice answered him from the other line.

He instantly felt chills.
It’s a female voice but it’s not Maggie.
He also sensed panic in her.

“Hello? Who’s this? Where’s Maggie?” He asked. His voice a bit louder.
His heartbeat racing..

“Hello, Sir! Whoever you are, if you know the owner of this phone, you need to get here fast!” Said the female voice.

He can tell that she’s now crying.

He immediately stood up. Knocking down the chair he was sitting on. It fell down with a loud thud that made other people in that dining hall look at his direction.

“Where? Why? What happened to Maggie?” He’s now screaming.

After hearing the answer from the other line, he hurriedly ran towards the exit.
Leaving the bouquet of flowers and the small black box on the table.


Later that night…

After talking to some hospital staff, he was led to a lady.
Her clothes are covered in blood.
In her hand a phone. He immediately recognized purple charm hanging on it.
It’s her favorite flower.

“Hey…” He called to the lady.
It was just a whisper but she heard it and immediately turned to him.

“That’s Maggie’s phone. Where is she?” He asked.
Still in an almost whispered voice.

The lady sobbed. Then she started to cry.

“What happened?” He asked in a louder voice.

“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry!”

It was all that the lady could mutter.

Then a man went out of a door. He’s also covered in blood. He doesn’t seem to be a staff.
When the lady saw him, she immediately ran towards the man and wrapped her arms around him.
Then she cried some more.

The man hugged her back. Trying to calm her.

“Where’s Maggie? Why isn’t anyone answering
me?” Seth now started to shout.

The staff that led him there told him to follow inside the room.

It must have been the longest 5 meters he had ever walked.
He already have a hint about what he’ll find in there but he’s still clinging to that single thread of hope that he’s wrong.

When he walked inside, he immediately turned his head to the far side of the room.
He couldn’t stand to see what’s waiting for him.
But it’s already too late. His eyes caught a glimpse of it.
And his brain is now telling him what’s in there.
It was a split-second of image but his mind was able to picture it so vividly.

His tears began to well.
His vision turned blurry.

When he blinked his eyes, he felt the warm tears flow down his cheeks.
And they never ceased.

He started to sob.
He can feel a lump in his throat.

He gathered all the strength he have just to slowly turn his head towards the center of that room.

There he saw a bed.
And on it, something was covered in a white blanket.
Someone to be exact.
Someone covered from head to toe with a white blanket stained with blood.

His body trembled.
His shoulders moved up and down involuntarily.
His chest tightened and his knees weakened.

He let out a cry.
But no sound came out of his mouth.
And he passed out.


When he gained consciousness, he found himself lying on a bed in that same hospital.

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Beside him is his mother and brother.
He called for them but no sound came out.
His throat felt so dry.

His brother was the first to notice him. He immediately poured him a glass of water which he drank right away.

Then he turned to his mother and asked where Maggie is.
His voice almost just a whisper.

His mother held his hand and asked him to stay calm.

Then they told him that he’d been unconscious for more than a day.

They already talked to the couple who was there when the incident happened.


It was about 6:30 PM of February 14th, 2015.
The night of the incident.

The couple was walking along the park when a man jumped out of nowhere and pulled out a knife.
He asked for their valuables.

As the couple was giving their things to the man, someone out of nowhere just kicked the guy and sprayed something in his eyes.

The robber screamed in pain as he tried to rub his eves.

Then the stranger grabbed their things and handed it to them then told them to run.

The stranger ran with them but was grabbed by the robber.

Then the couple heard a scream from behind.

When they looked back, the robber was furiously stabbing the stranger.

They screamed for help.
This alarmed the robber.
He then ran away and disappeared.

After the robber was gone, the couple hurried back to the stranger.
Only then did they find out that their savior was a woman.

She was wearing jeans, a jacket and a cap that time.


Seth was just staring at the ceiling as he listened to what happened.
Tears endlessly falling from his eyes.

That’s just how Maggie is. She likes fighting for people who can’t fight for themselves.
That’s how they met.

He still remember how she fought with bigger boys that used to bully him in school.
They were like 7 or 8 years old that time.
After that, the bullies never bothered him anymore.
Him and Maggie became best of friends…

But there’s something odd in that story. They’re supposed to have a date that time. Why would ahe wear those clothes?

His question was answered when his mother continued…

“I talked to her sister when they got here. She told me that Maggie wore a disguise that night because she doesn’t want you to notice her in the restaurant.”

He’s a bit puzzled.

“She wanted to see how you would react if she doesn’t show up. She knew you’ll surprise her again so this time, she wanted to surprise you.” His mother said.

His lips are now shaking.
He wanted to ask about a lot more things but he doesn’t know where or how to start.
There’s just too much pain.
He closed his eyes but that didn’t stop the tears.

He cried.
He cried furiously.
He cried like a little boy.
And all his mother could do was hug him and cry with him.


New present time.
February 7th, 2015.

Seth couldn’t believe what just happened.
He doesn’t know if it’s just a dream or not.
He doesn’t care anyways.
He would gladly take every chance he could get to see her once more.
Even if it’s just a dream.

But if this is a reality and he did manage to go back in time, then Maggie is about to be murdered a week from now.
He won’t let that happen.

He hurried towards the place he knew where Maggie would be.
Her office.

He scanned the pages of the newspaper he’s holding.

There it is!

An ad of Johnny Depp’s movie, Mortdecai.

He remember picking her up on this very day to watch that movie.
Coz they’re both a fan of Depp.

He looked at his watch. He’s about 20 minutes early.

He just waited outside her building.

Then something came up to him.
If he’s from the future, then that means there will be a past version of him that’s going to pick her up in a few minutes.

He decided that he’ll just have to talk to that past version of him and warn him about what’s going to happen a week from now.
He’ll tell his past self not to let Maggie out on that day. And everything will be alright!
When his past self sees him, he won’t doubt coz they look completely identical. He’ll believe him right away.

He’s into that thinking when he saw his car park just beside the building.
It’s his car! It’s his plate!
He held his breath as he wait for the door to open.

Then, just like in a very weird dream; he saw an exact copy of him got out of the car then looked around.

He also looked around and instantly felt very weird.
It’s deja vu! A very clear one.
He’s familiar with everything and everyone that’s around.

The things he sees, the vehicles passing by, the buses
and the ads on them.
He had seen them all over a year ago.

He looked at his watch.
She’ll be out in a few minutes.

He needs to hurry and talk to his past self.

As he walked towards him, something from his memory came up.
He remembered that as he’s waiting for Maggie on this exact time; a stranger approached him and told him weird things.
He can’t recall what the stranger talked about coz he didn’t pay attention to him.
But the scene suddenly became clear to him.

“Seth.” He called to his past self.
It felt really weird calling yourself.

His past self turned to him.
It felt much weirder. It’s like looking at your twin.

He saw his past self’s forehead wrinkle.

“Yes? Do I know you?” He asked.

“I’m you. From the future!” Seth said.

“What are you talking about?” His past self asked.

Then they both heard someone call.


They both looked at the direction of the voice.

He almost bursted into tears when he saw his beloved.
Walking towards them.

She walked straight to his past self. The Seth of that time; and kissed him on the cheek.

“Maggie…” He called. He couldn’t believe that she’s standing in front of him again.

She turned to him.

“May I help you?” She asked.

Then looked at the past Seth.

“Is he your friend, Babe?”

“I don’t know how to explain this. I don’t know how to start. I’m just so happy to see you again” He began talking.

“Do I know you? I don’t understand what you’re saying.” She now looks creeped out.

That’s when he noticed something’s wrong.
They should be surprised. But why do they look puzzled?

He looked at the car window. His eyes grew wide upon seeing his own reflection.
He walked towards the side mirror and looked at himself.

He almost screamed!
There was another man in that mirror! It’s not him! It’s a complete stranger!
Someone that even he doesn’t know.

“Sir, please move away from my car!” Said the past Seth to him.

He then escorted Maggie to the other side and helped her in.
Then went back to the driver’s side and entered the car.

The past Seth a stern look.
He recognized that scene. But from his memory, he’s the one staring at a stranger that suddenly approached them.

All Seth could do was watch as they drove away.

He’s left there.
Shocked, puzzled and wordless.

He boarded a taxi and went home.

When he got there, he buzzed and was greeted by the maid that he grew up with.

“Who’s this?” Asked the maid.

She’s over 50 and had been serving them for almost 20 years now.

“It’s me. Seth.” He answered.

“Seth?” Asked the maid.

“Yes. Please open up.”

“I don’t know you. Go away or I’ll call the guards.”
Then the maid turned and went inside.

Seth was a bit shocked.
But he’s expecting this kind of reaction. He’s a different person now.

He’s about to leave when he saw his brother’s car arrive.

He approached it and knocked on the window.

His brother lowered it a bit.

“Bro.” He called.

“Huh?! Who are you?” His brother asked.

“Nothing. Sorry.”

Then he walked away. It’s now getting clear to him.

He’s not who he really is in this world.
He went back to the right place and time but not in the same body.
It’s like his consciousness was implanted into someone else’s body.

He doesn’t know what to do.
He doesn’t know what to think.
He doesn’t know where to go.
He’s a nobody here.
Even his family doesn’t know him.

This must be the problem with the purple flower that the old woman was talking about.
The flower could take you back in time but in a different body.

He then remembered something.
He’s wearing the same clothes as the ones he’s wearing that time he met the old woman.

He reached for his pocket and took out his wallet.
He doesn’t have much cash left.
But he have his ATM cards.

He went to the nearest
machine and tried to withdraw.
It worked! Now he got cash.

He rented a room in a motel and thought of what he should do.

He decided to just look after Maggie.

For days, he stalked her. Tried to stare at her face for as long as he can.
Tried to catch her smile.
Tried to get as close as possible when he has a chance just so he could hear her voice and her laughter.

But he couldn’t hold her.
He couldn’t even touch her.

He’d give up his life just to touch her again.


February 14th, 2015.
The dreaded day he lost her.

He wouldn’t let that happen. He’d watch her all day and night until he’s sure she’s safe.

5 PM.
1 hour and a half before her murder.

He saw her exit their house wearing formal clothes.

Then she boarded the car that he used to own in his time.

There’s something wrong here. He told himself.
She’s supposed to be wearing casual clothes today. And Seth shouldn’t be picking her up. Seth should be waiting in the resto.
Did the events changed?
Is she safe now?

He followed them with a car he rented.

They entered the restaurant where he waited for her the night he lost her.

After an hour, they went out and boarded the car again.

They stopped to a nearby park.

“No! Not here! Not in this place! Go somewhere else but here!” His mind screaming.
He wanted to approach them and tell them those words. But he’ll just creep them out.

They sat inside the car for some time and then decided to walk.

“Oh, God! Please, no!” He told himself.
Seth went out of the car and followed them on foot.
He kept his distance so they won’t notice.

Then in an unlit part of the park, a man suddenly
Knife in hand, he demanded for all their valuables.
They quickly complied.

Seth hurriedly ran to them.

“Please, don’t hurt us. Take everything. But don’t hurt…” The past Seth didn’t even finish his words coz the robber flew a few yards away.

It was Seth who gave the man a strong kick to the side.

The man went down.
Then Seth pulled out a mace from his pocket and sprayed it to the robber’s eyes.

The robber screamed in pain. Trying to rub his eyes.

Seth picked up the couple’s belongings and handed it to them.

He told them to run.
And they did.

He’s also about to run but the robber grabbed him by the leg and stabbed his thigh.

He screamed in pain and fell.

Then the robber mounted him and started stabbing him repeatedly.

Maggie and the past Seth looked back and saw what’s happening.

They screamed for help.
That scared the robber and it fled.

They hurried towards Seth and tried to help him.

The past Seth dialled for an ambulance and Maggie kneeled beside him.

She kept on crying and screaming for help.

She raised his head and rested it on her lap.
Seth’s tears started to fall from his eyes.
He is once again near his love.

He raised his hand and touched her face.
He finally felt her again.
Her warmth.

And she also felt something from his touch.
Something familiar.
Something comforting.
It’s like the warm embrace of someone she knew all her life.

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He smiled at her.
She saw it.
And though teary eyed, she smiled back at him.

He let out a thankful and joyful cry.
She’s now safe.
That was all he ever wished.

He then closed his eyes…

And he’s gone!


The End

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