First time… sort of (Last part)

Real Sex Stories

First time… sort of (Last part)

By danelle


Cris and I had been going steady (not so wholesome, but we were not yet full blown lovers) for three months when almost hit a snag in our relationship.

I had this girl friend who was in a relationship with two guys simultaneously. One Sunday, she asked me to come to their house. But I had a date with Cris that evening so I declined. She said she needed my help. It turned out that her BF #2 is also there, asking my friend to finally her BF #1. I already told her my views on monogamy, and that I think of her as a selfish bitch for hurting her two BFs. But we’ve been friends since high school so I simply told her personally that whatever I say or do won’t matter because the decisions in her life will always be hers.

I was supposed to meet Cris that afternoon somewhere in Baclaran. Sunday commuter traffic in that area is horrendous. Luckily, I caught Cris as he was walking through the crowd, away from our meeting place. He looked angry. He had every right to be because I made him wait for more than an hour!

He almost didn’t want to talk to me. He planned on catching a movie and have dinner. But, because I was late, he lost the desire to go through with his plans. I apologized and begged him to talk to me.

So we decided to go to one of our favorite hang outs — in CCP — to talk. I could feel that he’s not feeling very romantic that evening because he picked a spot where there are a lot of Sunday loiterers around.

The Cultural Center of the Philippines located at Roxas Boulevard in Manila, is one of Imelda Marcos’s monument to what they call her “edifice complex.” But it is one of the homes for the country’s arts and culture. Whenever there is a show, the CCP building is lighted up and the fountains at the front of the building would dance for the patrons.

But that Sunday with Cris, there was no show. No dancing fountains. There were very limited lights along the driveway of the main entrance. There are, however, still a lot of people — mostly families with young kids wrapping up their weekends together on the CCP’s front lawn, with a few couples holding hands seated on the law wall of the driveway.

So Cris and I sat there and I told him about my girl friend’s boy troubles. I appreciated that he voiced out his opinions, specially from a male point of view. But, coming from a tight-knit family with a brother and three sisters younger than him, he is a bit conservative when it comes to relationships. Needless to say, we see eye-to-eye on having one partner at a time.

He also apologized for his being masungit when I was late and we hugged.

It was very cozy, sitting there with him holding me. I didn’t want to leave, really. So we sat there for hours just talking… and of course making out.

After watching Stuart Little just a week before, our make out sessions have become more hot and steamy. Even more so this Sunday evening at the CCP grounds.

Because there was only a few lights on around the building, it was quite dark where we are sitting. I was sitting with him behind me, his arms wrap around me and rested on my chest.

In the dark, he began nibbling on my earlobe then trailed kisses down my neck and shoulder. He looked around cautiously, then his one hand disappeared under my blouse while the other hand dove into my jeans to massage my clit.

While his hands did their magic on breasts and pussy, he kept talking about stuff which I, in my very, very horny state of mind, did not even understand. Damn this man for talking about his grandmother while his fingers molded my nipples into hard nubs, and making my clit swollen!

He again finger-fucked me just outside the CCP theater, with some people milling probably nearby (with other couples perhaps doing steamy things to each other too.)!

I thought it would be a repeat performance of the Stuart Little experience, but I was wrong. I felt the hardened evidence of his desire for me pressing on my back. His breath was hot and heavy on my neck. His fingers (I think it was two fingers) rubbing inside my core faster and faster was making me delirious.

Then Cris whispered in my ear, “I want you, Danelle… now.”

Oh, God! I want him too! I’ve never felt this way before. It was like my arousal and desire for Cris inside the cinema escalated to a hundred fold! But I couldn’t wait any longer. He wants to fuck me. And I wanted him to fuck me!

He discreetly guided me to the side of the CCP building, behind the statue of the two ballet dancers where it was dark. The ledge shielded us from the people driving by the side of the building.

Cris sat the base of the statue, unzipped his jeans and pulled out his cock. He guided me to kneed before him and led my hand on his hot and hard cock. With his hand, he guided my hand around his cock and slowly pumped. In the dark I couldn’t see his cock, but I felt its hardness and width. I was a bit shocked and amazed that the width of his cock is like the size of my wrist. I was also amazed at the smoothness of the skin of his cock.

With my hand, I explored his cock… from the base to the tip. The tip of his cock was moist with precum and rubbed it with my thumb. I heard his sharp intake of breath as I squeezed the tip gently. His hand guided mine in an up and down motion around his cock. He then let go of my hand and gently pulled my head towards his stiff member.

Ok… I’ve had my share of watching blow jobs from the X-rated DVDs my sister hides under her mattress… but watching is different from doing.

But it was like, I was in a dream. My nipples and pussy were tingling. All of my inhibitions and caution thrown to the wind and what was left was my desire for this man, Cris.

I slowly put his cock inside my mouth. As I was inexperienced, I felt awkward, I didn’t know what to do… Should I close my lips around his member? Should I suck like I would a lollipop? But lollipops are not this big! Do I do it the way I brush my molars?

So my first blowjob on my second boyfriend felt really awkward for me. So I started sucking on the tip first and felt his hand pull a little tighter on my hair. I let my tongue roll and play around the tip for a while then sucked on it again. Above me, Cris groaned softly…”Ohhh yess, Danelle…”

Feeling more bolder, I put more of his man meat inside my mouth, sucking. Then while his cock inside my mouth, my tongue gently flicked and press along his shaft. He then pushed his cock deeper inside my mouth, almost making me gag. His hand guided my head up and down on his cock, going faster and faster. My eyes teared up because I can hardly breathe.

Suddenly, he gently pushed pushed me away. Cris took off his shirt and spread it on the ground. He led me to lay down on his shirt and swiftly pushed my blouse and bra aside to expose my breasts. With urgency, he suckled on my breasts while pushed down my pants.

I was nervous of getting caught, but paralyzed with desire that I laid there. Above me were the twinkling stars in the sky. “This is it,” I thought to myself. “My first.”

I let my fingers run through his hair as he sucked on my breasts, nibbling on my nipples. His fingers again found my pussy and pushed inside. I couldn’t help but arch my back in pleasure.

I realized his mouth has left my nipples when I felt the cool breeze. He was trailing kisses down my stomach, my navel going lower. He’s mouth is going lower?!? I was shocked! I grabbed his shoulder to pull him back up. But his tongue hit my clit.

I couldn’t help but close my eyes… and still I could see the stars.

Cris pressed his tongue on my clit while his finger moving inside my pussy. I could only grab on to his shoulder as a wave of orgasm went over me. Then I felt is tongue pushing inside my pussy.

With my eyes closed, I felt my whole body tremble for what seemed like a long time.

Then I felt something else push inside my pussy… thicker than his fingers… harder than his fingers. I opened my eyes and I saw Cris’s face above mine, and behind him is a sparkling backdrop of stars.

“I want you, Danelle.”

Then he slowly pushed his cock inside my pussy. It felt like my whole body will rip open. It hurt.

Cris kissed me and whispered, “Relax.” He pushed his full length inside me.

The stars began to blur when he started to move inside me. There was pain and pleasure between my legs, inside my very core. I could only hold on to his arms as he slowly fucked me. Then faster. He hooked my legs on his arms and buried his cock deeper.

It was like there was fire burning between my legs, inside my pussy. I moaned in the mixed pain and pleasure. I can still feel the hard pebbled floor digging on my back.

In the dim light, my eyes went back to the silhouette of his face. “Cris…” I could only whisper as his hips moved faster agains mine.

Then he pulled his cock from my pussy, and pumped it a few times and he cummed on my stomach.

He almost collapsed on top of me. And we laid there for a while, tryiing to catch our breaths.

Suddenly, the lights around the ballerina statue came on. We scrambled to get our clothes in their proper place, and hurriedly walked away, giggling like kids.

We walked to a nearby restaurant with shaky legs. While Cris ordered food, I went to the restroom to clean and compose myself. And while using the toilet, I noticed on my panties a faint red spot.

So I guess I’m not really frigid, nor am I a prude. I am a slow burn. Or perhaps, Cris just knows which of my buttons to push to get me horny.

We’ve been together now for almost 13 years, and I couldn’t be anymore happier than with him.

Hello guys! Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. I certainly enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to vote or send comments below.

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