After my last with Ken (part 2) we have only tried checking in one more time because of our schedules. Most of the time, it still remained quickies in the car. Just like the 1st time, it was hot, wild and very satisfying.
didi41 Posts

My 12th Crazy Thing (Part 2) – Perfect Timing
As I started writing about Ken, I guess I might as well continue with some more stories. After the event of my 1st experience with Ken, we have the occasional mutual touching and a quickie or two in his

My 12th Crazy Thing (Part 1) – When Cyber and Real Life Collide
I have been chatting with some members for some time now. I started in other sites until I finally settled in Lagablab. God Knows the different types of people I have met in YM.

My 11th Crazy Thing – International Craziness. – Part 6 (Last part)
……as the door opening got bigger, I was already waiting for it, not that I know he was a bad man but I do think that he was at least imagining this for some time. I was even trying to lie on the bed as sexy as I can.

My 11th Crazy Thing – International Craziness. – Part 5
Waking up after that event on the phone with Ethan, instead of feeling tired I actually felt energized and even woke up a bit earlier than usual. Quinn still woke up earlier and had a small breakfast set for me.

My 11th Crazy Thing – International Craziness. – Part 4
I woke up pretty happy and satisfied for some reason. I went to the restroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face and was getting ready to go down. I already heard the TV was on, and from the sound of it

My 11th Crazy Thing – International Craziness. – Part 3
After that episode last night, I was quite tired and woke up quite late. Quinn seemed to have just woken up and was starting to make coffee. We said our hellos and he prepared juice for me.

My 11th Crazy Thing – International Craziness. – Part 2
So after the episode in the restroom and the shopping spree after, Quinn and I got a bit more relaxed in a sense that there is no more asking if I can get this. Or I can go to this, or if I should do this instead.

My 11th Crazy Thing – International Craziness. – Part 1
Hello, it’s been quite a while since my last posted story. As some of you would know, I just recently got married. I fully expected that all crazy things would already end with this but it seems that it still has not.

My 10th Crazy Thing – Public Craziness Part 2
Hello, here is part 2, I hope I didn’t put you guys into too much suspense.
I said I am not going to a motel with him, and he laughed and said “We are not going to a motel.

My 10th Crazy Thing – Public Craziness Part 1
Hello, this is a very long overdue story but I got very busy with work and other stuff. This might be a long one but I hope you enjoy this. This happened quite a few months ago…

My 9th Crazy Thing – Therapist part 2
I went back to my next session for the week thinking that the replacement would already be there. I actually treated the therapist just like the way I treated the Pizza Boy (8th crazy thing) so it was not really something that got

My 9th Crazy Thing – Therapist part 1
Hello, again it’s been a while since my last post. I’m glad that there are a lot of other people posting their experiences here. Doesn’t it feel liberating?

My 8th Crazy Thing Strikes Back! – The Pizza Boy Returns!
This was something I never expected. The last was a spur of the moment thing where I wanted to put someone in his place, I didn’t expect to even have anything to do with this, but as everything in life, you really can’t tell.

My 8th Crazy Thing – Pizza Boy
It was a slow, lazy and boring Saturday 2 weeks ago and I was really feeling the laziness all over my body. I did not wake up a bit late, without anything to do nor any place to go to.

My 7th crazy thing – Jojo Again
This was a month ago, and my bf and I was going to a house party of some mutual friends. It was a big house with 2 floors though only the ground floor is used for us guests. I was with my bf and other friends

My 7th crazy thing – Part 4 (The Aftermath and Beneficiary)
So after my tiring Saturday where I did it with Jojo and my Bf, Sunday was a little more tame. It was a nice date and nice slow lovemaking. Even after that, I was still a bit hot on Monday. It was the 4th day and I was still looking for it.

My 7th crazy thing – Part 3
After I woke up and got ready for work, I was still feeling the afterglow of a great night and went to work feeling really focused and refreshed. It was more than a month

My 7th crazy thing – Part 2
It was another Friday and this time I and my officemates decided to go out. It was payday and we just wanted to relax after an unusually busy week. I initially didn’t want to join because I have

My 7th crazy thing – Part 1
This is a new experience and I would always wonder, if you already experienced the best, would you look or think you would experience something better? Apparently you can.